I recently got an unexpected phone call about a potential job opportunity. Unfortunately the timing right now could not be more off. I went and had coffee and honestly it just confused this situation even more. I know at this point nothing is decided, but should anything happen and I take this potentially great opportunity career wise- then I'm stuck here.
On the other hand, there is this guy. An incredible guy that I could potentially see myself spending my life with him. I'm being completely serious here. I never thought that would happen. I mean you always remain hope that someday you will become unbelievably lucky... lucky as I have become.
I think for a lot of people it's hard to understand. Then again you can't attempt to explain to them what it's like between us. But I will tell you this, anytime someone brings him into conversation, my face just starts beaming. If that's not evidence I don't know what is.
But then there's this potentially great job. And then there is Tylerr. Most people older than me would think I would be crazy to pass up a job offer like this (I'm not saying I am, should anything happen. I'm just keeping my options open). And then people my age understand my reasoning. It's a completely different generation, they get it.
If you were to ask me a year ago if I were to fall for someone on the internet, I would think you were crazy. But people fall for people in stranger ways... cough cough the bachelor.
Due to this possible job offer it has made Tylerr and I talk a lot about our future and what we plan on doing come July. Originally we both had planed not to make any decisions until he came out in July. Of course then with the unexpected phone call it kind of made us think more about everything.
And to be honest... I don't want to be "just" his friend. I don't want to lose him. I want him in my life. And I want to build a future with him. I never thought I could be this happy.
I should also mention... my parents don't know about this potential job offer. But at the end of the day I think they want their daughter to be happy (at least I hope so, even if they don't agree with my reasoning). And honestly no one makes me more happy than he does. He's my best friend. And he's someone that I want to spend my life with.
He's the risk I want to take.
But we'll see what happens. everything happens for a reason, and things always have a way of working out... always
It's only a matter of time.
I'll keep you updated. :)